

  • ​New Patients – Consultation and Examination: £50
  • Chiropractic Adjustments: £50
  • X-Rays – Single Area: £85
  • X-Rays – Full Spine: £110
  • Missed appointments and late cancellation fee: cost of the missed appointment (will be strictly enforced)
  • Sick notes: £10
  • Insurance forms: £10
  • GP Reports: £50

A deposit for the Chiropractic Consultation will be taken when booking an appointment for your consultation/examination, which will then be credited towards your visit in the clinic.
24 hours notice will be required to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
If you require to cancel your appointment and provide sufficient notice, then we will be happy to refund you your deposit.
However, should sufficient notice not be provided or you do not show up for your appointment, you will then unfortunately lose your deposit.


Massage Therapy

  • 60 mins: £65 payable on booking


A pre-payment for Massage Therapy will be taken when booking an appointment, which will then be credited to your visit in the clinic.
24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
If you require to cancel your appointment and provide sufficient notice, then we will be happy to refund you your pre-payment.
However, should sufficient notice not be provided or you do not show up for your appointment, you will then unfortunately lose the pre-payment which will be credited to the missed appoinment.




  • Ice Packs: £7
  • Ice Storm: £15
  • Orthopaedic Pillows: £80
